Partnership with ABDA

The professional training laboratory was donated by ABDA, in a social partnership with the Mandaliti family, patron of this project.

In all, 24 young people were divided into 3 groups of 8 students each.

Created in part by the People & Management Concilig team, and in part provided free of charge in partnership with SENAI; which includes:

    Pillars of solid professional trainingCommunicationElegance of BehaviorProfessional presentation and postureTime managementConflict ManagementEthics, character and social responsibilityDecompression and healthy livingProductivity & quality of services

The courses uniformly form, under the highest standards, the new crop of Concilig credit recoverers. These young people dedicate part of their time to excellent athletics and part to their professional development. A preparatory course for young people aimed at the credit recovery market, which can be expanded to other segments of the call center and information technology according to demand.

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